Public Protections Under Threat at the EPA: Examining Safeguards and Programs That Would Have Been Blocked by H.R. 1430 — White Paper

Protecting safe drinking water and healthy air depends on the EPA’s ability to incorporate the best available evidence from all scientific fields of study into its risk assessments and regulation drafting processes. EDGI’s analysis and research here shows that the passage of H.R. 1430 would block the EPA from using the data it needs to fulfill its mission of protecting public health and the environment.



Author(s): Vivian Underhill, Megan Martenyi, Sarah Lamdan, Andrew Bergman
Publication Date: March 27, 2017
Preferred Citation: Underhill V., Martenyi M., Lamdan S., & Bergman A. (2017, March 27). Public Protections Under Threat at the EPA: Examining Safeguards and Programs That Would Have Been Blocked by H.R. 1430. Environmental Data & Governance Initiative. Retrieved from