EDGI’s Website Monitoring Team Analyzes Extreme Politicization of EPA News Releases Under Trump

Today, the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI)’s Website Monitoring Team releases Crossing the Line: Analyzing EPA news releases under Trump and ensuring trust in federal information in the future. This report examines the politicization of EPA’s news releases under the Trump administration and recommends guidelines for protection of the integrity of information coming from the EPA’s press office. 

Meet EDGI’s New Civic Science Fellows

EDGI is thrilled to announce that we’re a host organization for two civic science fellows from 2021-2023. These fellowships are funded in partnership with the Rita Allen Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Fellows will develop civic science systems, knowledge, and approaches to strengthen inclusive, thriving, equity-centered engagement with science at the intersection of science and society. EDGI’s two fellows—Kelsey Breseman and Mark Chambers—bring their respective technical and ethnographic skill sets together to work that bridges several EDGI working groups.

Code With EDGI! Environmental Enforcement Watch Does #Hacktoberfest2021

On Wednesday, October 27 at 1PM Eastern/4PM Pacific, the Environmental Data Governance Initiative’s Environmental Enforcement Watch (EEW) will hold an event as part of Hacktoberfest, a month-long series of events by and for the open source community. EEW’s event will include a brief demonstration of one of EEW’s open source Jupyter Notebook followed by time to explore and hack on the project.